第一年的经验 in London


Sadie '25 with family near Hampstead Heath

Sadie '25 with family near Hampstead Heath

Your student has been offered the opportunity to participate in Skidmore's First-Year Experience in London during the fall semester before joining other members of the first-year class in 萨拉托加温泉市 for the spring semester. This exciting introduction to college life in an international setting will be guided by two Skidmore Faculty Coordinators in London 和 by the faculty 和 staff of 东航卡帕. Here are some ways we believe parents can best help prospective students decide whether to engage in this educational adventure:

  • Read… 和 talk about London as a family.
  • 鼓励... your student to read all the materials we have sent 和 continue to check the website 和 email for updated information, 和 orientation materials.
  • 考虑... 你自己的舒适程度. Students will be making the same kinds of independent decisions all students make when they go to college.
  • 讨论... how your student has dealt with new 和 challenging experiences in the 过去的. Do they approach new experiences eagerly 和 confidently? 什么样的支持 will your student need to be successful for their first semester? 考虑 some of the questions listed as part of OCSE's pathways to off-campus studywhat makes a good c和idate for the London 第一年的经验.
  • 支持... your student's personal decision, whether to study in London or to pursue a different educational direction.

If your student does decide to join our 伦敦呸!咄! Program—as we hope they will—ask them to share with you all the information we provide. Please help emphasize that tolerance 和 flexibility are keys to a successful venture abroad. Students will encounter a multitude of fascinating differences while overseas 和 will want to explore these differences with an open mind. The British way of life, attitudes, aspirations, 和 values are worth close consideration; the place, the people, 和 their rich heritage are sure to inspire interest. 


Katie '22 with her mother visiting Bath

Academically, the students that are offered London will find themselves well prepared for the rigors of the program. First-year students will receive the advice 和 counsel of Skidmore Faculty Coordinators who each teach a Scribner Seminar 和 arrange a variety of social 和 cultural events 和 excursions for students. 学生也可以寻求 advice 和 support from 东航卡帕 Student Services 和 academic staff.

You can help your student prepare for this incredible experience in a number of ways: encourage responsible independence during the next several months, read all program materials, 和, on a practical note, encourage them to save money for all the special experiences (including travel) London 和 Europe have to offer. 我们建议家长 和 students discuss budget 和 financial matters early on. Typically, students spend approximately $2,000 - $3,000 on personal expenses during their semester in London; this total includes a moderate level of travel. In addition, everyday purchases in London may come at a higher price than we expect at home. Students should expect to pay at least twice the U.S. price for such discretionary purchases as restaurant food, 咖啡,洗漱用品.

We look forward to meeting you 和 your family!

火博体育 伦敦呸!咄! program details, orientation or arrival day should be directed to Kendra Nelson, 伦敦呸!咄! Program Manager in Skidmore's office of Off-Campus 研究 & 交流,在 knelson1@pxlb.net or +1-518-580-5355.

火博体育 录取过程 应该寄到 加贝Vuillaume, Assistant Director of 招生 at gvuillau@pxlb.net or +1-518-580-8334.