



Neuroscience-affiliated教员 at Skidmore are interested in a diverse array of scientific questions, including: how genes regulate biological clocks and sleep/activity cycles, how cannabinoids impact adolescent brain development and adult behavior, how neurodegenerative diseases can be understood at the molecular level, how hormones regulate behavior, how the brain processes music, and how the two hemispheres of the brain process information differently (再加上更多!).

There are MANY research opportunities for Neuroscience students. 尽管携带 out research is not required to major in Neuroscience, we strongly encourage all Neuroscience majors to engage in independent research as part of their curriculum, and over 90% of majors end up doing some form of research during their time at Skidmore. We have many avenues into research, and hope that you begin this process sooner rather than later! 


Below is more information about the various research opportunities available to Neuroscience majors. 点击链接获取有关每个项目的更多信息!

研究机构 - students carrying out research with Skidmore Neuroscience faculty have access to specific equipment within each faculty member's individual research space, and also several shared research spaces, such as the Skidmore McGraw Microscopy Imaging Center, 脊椎动物的设施等. 许多这样的空间现在被安置在比利 蒂施综合科学中心,于2024年完工.

荣誉的研究 - During the academic year, there are several for-credit research course options with different credit levels that Neuroscience majors can enroll in, with faculty 研究导师批准.

夏天的研究 - Though more competitive, many Neuroscience majors complete summer research projects at Skidmore. Applications for the upcoming summer are due early in the Spring semester.



Many Neuroscience students have the opportunity to present their research. This can happen on-campus, for example at the culmination of summer research projects or during Academic Festival 在学年结束时. 学生也可以展示 regionally, for example at the Hudson-Berkshire chapter of the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) in Albany, or at the 神经元的会议 at Quinnipiac University. 学生可以 也存在 国内甚至是国际上, for example at the annual SFN conference or Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN)研究研讨会等.

  2024年阿利安娜·塔克学术节SFN学生2022Neuro Group在NEURON 2023SFN 2022校友晚宴
  维多利亚·索普夏季海报Vecsey Lab Summer 2023 Dairy Haus

Top Left: Ariana Tucker '24 presents her neuroscience thesis research at Academic Festival. Top Right: Students pose at the Society for Neuroscience (SFN) annual conference 圣地亚哥,2022年. Middle Left: A crew of Skidmore students and faculty at the 2023 神经元的会议. Middle Right: A large group of Skidmore neuroscience students, faculty, and alumni meet for dinner in San Diego during the 2022 SFN conference. Bottom Left: Victoria Thorpe '23 presents at the Skidmore summer research symposium. Bottom Right: Vecsey Lab members enjoy a well-deserved ice cream break during summer 2023.


Neuroscience students at Skidmore often contribute in meaningful ways to research 项目,从而成为出版物的作者. 点击链接看看最近的一些 examples!

Ferro et al (2017) - Lagalwar实验室

Wang等(2024) ——维西实验室

Pelz et al (2017) - López lab

Llabre et al (2022) - Possidente实验室



Starting in 2022, each Fall semester, the 神经科学项目 has been hosting a 研究公平, which includes an overview of research opportunities, brief introductions to the research going on in each faculty member's lab, and student-led tours of research 实验室. Attending this research fair is a great way to get to know the neuroscience faculty members and the types of neuroscience research they are currently doing at Skidmore, to meet upper-level research students, and to learn how to get involved. 请留意有关这个年度活动的海报!

Please note that you will need to e-mail/talk to your professors in order to enroll 在这些研究课程中.  在注册期之前就去问他们 you can join their lab – spots are competitive and labs can fill quickly.  A good time to ask a professor about joining their lab is after you've just done well in 由那位教授教授的课程.



Once you have started a research project in a faculty member's lab, you may want to apply for funding to purchase supplies/equipment, or to support travel either to complete 研究本身或展示你的结果. 下面是一些最常见的 这是神经科学专业的常见资金来源. 其中一些是全校范围的 funding mechanisms, and others are specific to the Neuroscience program.


       - 学生机会计划基金 - This funding source is perfect to purchase supplies for student research projects 在学年期间.

       - 学生机会旅行以提供资金 - This should be students' first stop to get funding to support travel to present 他们在会议上的工作.

       - 超越奖项 - These awards support student internships, research, etc. 校外,尤其是 在夏天.

       - 暑期体验基金(SEF)奖项 - Another source of funding to support otherwise unpaid experiences off-campus.


       - 凯特勒-赛克斯捐赠基金 - this new (beginning 2024-25) source of funding is specific to the Neuroscience Program, and was established by Gwyneth Ketterer, mother of neuroscience major Ellie Ketterer-Sykes的24. 这笔灵活的基金既可以支持研究,也可以支持旅行. See more info HERE. [Stay tuned as an application form is developed to apply for funding from this source.]

       - 神经科学IDC基金 - this funding source has accumulated from the indirect costs (IDC) from neuroscience faculty members' grants, and can be used to support student travel to conferences, etc.在其他融资选择已经用尽的情况下. 学生可以申请 funding HERE.