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Associate Professor

A.B., Princeton University
Ph.D., Columbia University

办公室: Palamountain 316
电话: (518) 580-5163

Teaching 和 Research Interests:

  • Comparative Literature
  • Philosophy, Aesthetics, 和 Critical Theory
  • Modern 和 Contemporary Drama
  • Shakespeare 和 Early 现代戏剧
  • Opera 和 Music-Theatre
  • Media 和 Performance Studies
  • Queer Theory 和 Gender Studies





  • 香农杰克逊, Back Stages: Essays across Art, Performance, 和 Public Life (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2023), 现代戏剧 66.2 (September 2023): 438–440.
  • Florian Walzacher, ed., The Life 和 Work of Nature Theatre of Oklahoma (Berlin: Alex和er Verlag, 2019), TDR: The Drama Review 65.2 (Summer 2021): 183–85.
  • 佩妮尔, Performing Queer Modernism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), 批评 61.3 (Summer 2019): 417–20.
  • "Walter Benjamin, Fabulist" (multi-book review essay), 大杂烩 199 (Summer 2018): 214–224.

Other 出版物:

Selected Honors 和 Awards:

  • Anna Balakian First Book Prize honorable mention, International Comparative Literature 协会,2022年.
  • Summer Research Fellowship耶鲁大学 Beinecke Rare Book 和 Manuscript Library, 2022.
  • Helen Tartar First Book Award 和 Subvention, American Comparative Literature Association, 2021.
  • Faculty Development Grant, 火博体育大学, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021.


  • SSP 100: Myth 和 Modernity
  • GN 151: 英语 Literary Studies Colloquium
  • EN 105: Writing Seminar
  • EN 110: Introduction to Literary Studies
  • EN 215:戏剧
  • EN 225: Introduction to Shakespeare
  • EN 229: Queer Theatre 和 Performance
  • EN 251: Special Studies in 创意写作
  • EN 339: Queer Theories (和 Practices)
  • EN 346: Special Studies in Early 现代戏剧
  • EN 339: Drama 和 Modernism
  • EN 364: Contemporary Theater 和 Drama
  • EN 375: Literature 和 Philosophy