


  • 火博体育主持美国宇航局资助的夏季研究项目
  • Helena Yohannes ’04 to deliver 启动火博体育 keynote address on Friday
  • 《火博体育官网》将于周六回归
  • 了解专业,辅修和更多 下周开始探索更多



火博体育大学 is the first liberal arts college to host a NASA-sponsored summer program that allows researchers from across the world to use NASA imaging tools 和 other resources to address pressing environmental 和 policy issues on Earth.



在Murray-Aikins餐厅用餐 根据热门电视剧《火博体育》改编的主题晚宴 演出从下午5点到7点半.m. 3月8日星期三. Costume prizes, raffles, giveaways will be available.



作为把火博体育变成一次性产品的一部分, 塑料的校园, dine-in plates are now the default option for all meals at The Spa. Those who would like to take their meals to go can opt to enroll in the Reusemore reusable container program or pay $0.一次性外带集装箱25美元.


请浏览 餐饮服务网站 定期更新, Spa特价、营业时间等信息.


Dailey Innovations Presents: ‘Addressing Microbehaviors’

这个虚拟研讨会从下午1点到3点.m. 2月3日星期三. 22, explores how microbehaviors can lead to a climate of mistrust 和 exclusion that negatively impacts 表演. 网上注册.



人力资源 invites interested Skidmore 员工 to submit application materials for the openings listed below:

  • Associate Director, Database Management 和 Reporting ——发展
  • 火博体育基金会的助理主任
  • 夏令营北森林辅导员


申请,请访问 Okta门户. Click on the tile for “Oracle HCM,” then click “Me,” 和 then click on “Current Jobs."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 这里的外部申请者.


我们欢迎 提交 from faculty 和 staff related to professional accomplishments 和 scholarly endeavors.

保罗Arciero, 健康和人体生理科学教授, was quoted by Medical News Today. Read more>>


劳里Rabinowitz, 教育研究助理教授, co-authored an article in the children's literature journal The Dragon Lode. Read more>>


杰夫Segrave, 健康和人体生理科学教授, published a scholarly article in Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature. Read more>>


库尔特Smemo, associate professor 和 director of the environmental studies 和 sciences program, 在《火博体育》上发表了一项研究. Read more>>



海伦娜·约翰内斯04年,2的联合创始人.4.1化妆品公司将在下午4点发表主题演讲.m. 2月5日星期五. 17,在甘尼特礼堂. 校园社区 被邀请参加 the keynote 和 hear about her entrepreneurship journey.



Faculty 和 staff interested in participating in SCE work groups are encouraged to visit the CLTL网站 了解更多信息.



Title IX staff 和 members of the Advisory Council for 性和基于性别的不当行为 每隔一周的星期三从1点到2点我们有餐桌 p.m. on the second floor of Case Center starting 星期三,2月 15. Stop by to learn about our office 和 available resources. 联系 乔尔Aure,第九条协调员,了解更多信息.


诺斯伍德夏令营2月1日开始注册. 9

网上报名 北方森林营地, Skidmore’s summer day camp for children, is now open. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 克里斯汀美林.



火博体育社区被邀请参加 提名学生 who have made outst和ing contributions to the community through their involvement, 服务, leadership development activities for several Student Leadership Awards. 截止时间是下午4点.m. 3月20日星期一.



整体连接 庆祝它在火博体育的第16个年头. 火博体育的2023年春季实习将持续到2月6日. 18. 它将以一个 表演 在亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心.m. 周五,2月. 17. Tickets are $5 for Skidmore 学生, faculty, staff; to purchase, visit the 赞网站.



加入 可持续发展办公室 工作时间中午至下午1:30.m. 3月1日星期三, 在Murray-Aikins餐厅的二楼, 1号和2号房间, for a catered lunch 和 workplace sustainability workshop to discuss the 可持续工作场所运营计划 (替换). 请在SWOP页面注册. 联系 玛吉卡莫迪 了解更多信息.



暑期住宿申请 4月1日开幕,5月5日闭幕. Summer housing is available to 学生 participating in summer classes, 暑期合作研究, 实习, 独立学习, 或者校内就业.



Enjoy 15% off all Skidmore-br和ed GREEN apparel from the 火博体育商店 本周五,二月. 2月17日(星期六. 18, head over to the Big Green Scream to support the Thoroughbreds. 此优惠在网上无效.



鼓励社区成员审阅 1月. 25日的邮件 that includes current COVID-19 guidance 和 information. 提醒一下, 学生 may continue to pick up free rapid tests at Case Information Desk or at Campus Safety. Employees are reminded that additional free rapid tests are available through www.covid.gov /测试,还有 最有价值球员 包括快速检测的费用. 学生员工 must notify the College if they test positive for COVID-19. 火博体育继续更新 校园规划网站 火博体育的 COVID-19仪表板.


上门服务时间 圣灰星期三 2月. 22日上午9点开始.m. 至下午1:30.m. 在二楼案件中心. 下午6点将举行一场宗教仪式.m. 在威尔逊教堂. 欢迎所有人. 联系 帕克相当多 了解更多信息.


Exploremore: Majors 和 minors for first- 和 second-year 学生

鼓励学生利用 Exploremore, an 机会 to talk to professors 和 upper-class 学生 about what it means to major or minor in a specific discipline 和 how to make the most of your academic career, 从周一, 2月. 20日到3月3日星期五. 了解即将到来的课程, 实习机会, 出国留学, 研究的机会, 和更多的.


报名参加部门 堆肥试验计划

可持续发展办公室的 student compost managers are seeking department liaisons to register a compost bin site 和 be a point of contact. Managers will set up a compost station 和 will empty bins weekly. 网上注册 or email the compost managers 了解更多信息.



加入 学生多样性项目办公室 买食物,点心,还有 机会 从下午4:30到6点与教师、学生和工作人员见面.m. 2月4日. 16、案例207(火博体育和参与套件).



In conjunction with the upcoming exhibition “Christine Sun Kim: Oh Me Oh My,” the Tang is offering introductory workshops on deaf history 和 culture, 美国手语, basic ASL vocabulary 和 grammar taught by certified ASL instructor Colette Steves. 需要注册. 下午6:30上课.m. on 2月. 27, 3月20日, 4月17日.



唐朝 invites the Skidmore community to a series of art-inspired yoga sessions. 体式通过艺术:瑜伽在唐是免费的, 对教师开放的初学者友好瑜伽课程, 学生, 下午4点下班.m. 周二, 3月7日星期二, 4月11日. 由于场地有限,需要注册. 联系 奥利维亚Cammisa-Frost 了解更多信息.


2023 Make Your Voice Heard Skidmore Public Policy Prize

我们鼓励学生申请 2023 Make Your Voice Heard Skidmore Public Policy Prize competition, an 机会 to engage with a public policy issue that is important to them. 完整的申请必须由 给Marla Melito发邮件 五点以前.m. 4月14日星期五. First prize is $1,000; two runners-up will each receive $500.



Please help reduce bulk emails by posting your announcement in the Bulletin. 提交 公告和活动, 学术讲座, 教职员工的成就 通过填写适当的在线表格. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. 请电子邮件 swb@pxlb.net 如果你有问题.



《火博体育官网》回到了威廉姆森 体育 Center on 周六,when the women’s 和 men’s basketball teams host Clarkson University in their final regular-season games. 女子比赛在下午2点开始.m., 下午4点,男人们紧随其后.m. The first 250 fans at each game will receive a free T-shirt. 两场比赛都会有奖品, 和 a gr和 prize basket full of gift certificates will be given away at halftime of the men’s game. It will also be senior day for both teams as they get ready for their upcoming Liberty League 比赛. 女足将在2月6日举行半决赛. 24, while the men will know their information after this weekend. 欲知详情,请浏览 火博体育体育网站.


星期四,2月. 16

6 p.m.

Dunkerley Dialogue 和 Performance: Lauren Kelley, Teisha Duncan, Autumn Knight



周六,2月. 18

2 p.m.




星期日,2月. 19

2 p.m.

与Maddie Goewey ' 25的唐导游之旅



星期二,2月. 21

6 p.m.

College for Social Innovation Semester in the City Information Session


星期三,2月. 22

5:30 p.m.

CDC Professional Success Series: Eric Cole ‘85, sharpen your interview skills



星期二,2月. 28

6 p.m.





5:30 p.m.

CDC Professional Success Series: Kristen Stroebel '02 underst和ing your employee benefits













